Hello Cloud Marathoner!
Thank you for stopping by to read about this exciting development!
Due to your continued interest and ongoing contributions to our blog, we are now placed as 16th best Azure blog.
Below is the screenshot from the Blog FeedSpot:

what are the Neighbouring blogs?
Currently, we have the following blogs as our upper and lower neighbors in the Top 100 Best Microsoft Azure Blogs.
The upper neighbor is an Azure Podcast and we have Azure Greg as the next neighbor. Both of them, the blog and podcast are good sources of information created free of charge for the #community by individual members.

What is next?
Well, please be on a lookout to find more Microsoft announcements, training opportunities and information about Cloud events in my upcoming posts. Namely, we will cover LATAM 2022 , Infrastructure as code updates in Azure, Azure Bicep, Security and Microsoft Ignite in the next 3 months.
Hope to hear back from you soon.
And THANK YOU for continued interest in the #CloudMarathoner blog posts!